Adulting is a trap.
But you probably knew that already.
Remember when you were a kid? You looked to the future longingly, this promised land in which everything would make sense and life would flow with ease.
Yet, adulthood rolls around and that shiny allure vanishes. We become disillusioned as we realize grown up life is less about play and more about completing projects; about hopping from one to-do list item to the next.
I’m all-too-familiar with this project mentality, one in which everything becomes a process to be optimized and fully organized. Somewhere along the lines, we’re conditioned as adults that everything needs to be a struggle. If something isn’t a challenge — if we don’t break our backs and sell our souls for it — then we haven’t truly “earned” it.
Ease becomes unfamiliar. And unstructured, purposeless play? Frivolous!
We take life too seriously, and play becomes this distant dream; something we don’t grant ourselves for fear of falling behind or coming across as immature or irresponsible.
Let’s make it familiar again; let’s reclaim our power to summon that childlike curiosity and wonder, for that’s where inspiration, creativity, and joy lie.
So, stop, relax your body a bit, and reconnect with your inner child and make space to play; to let go of the heaviness you’ve been lugging along. Here are a few ways to get there.
Take a solo date. Go to a park, museum, or restaurant and just enjoy people-watching and doing something that has no outcome attached to it. Sit on the swings for a bit or go to the children’s section of the museum and play around with the interactive exhibits.
Sing and dance. Turn on your favorite playlist and let yourself dance (and sing!) — it doesn’t matter if you can hit that high note or do a perfect spin. Let yourself do whatever feels right, freely and without judgment.
Create. Whether you want to paint, doodle, write, craft, or even cook up a recipe, weave activities into your schedule that allow for creation. We all have the ability to create, in whatever form that shows up, and doing so can infuse our days with much-needed richness and fulfillment.
Cry! No, seriously. Our sadness-phobic society associates crying with weakness, but honestly? It’s a great way to release stress hormones (science says so!) and lighten ourselves of the emotional burdens we often suppress. If the tears want to flow, let them. Little kids and babies cry all the time because they’re not fighting their natural instinct. In the same way, we deserve to express ourselves emotionally, tears and all.
Let go of rules. Eat breakfast for dinner because you feel like it. Stay in your pajamas all Sunday even when that nagging voice in your head says you “should” get dressed. We spend enough time conforming to societal and self-imposed norms — let yourself be rule-free for a bit!
I hope you can find ways to play, be curious, and tap into that childlike state of wonder today (and every day!). Life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time — it’s okay to let your hair down and have fun. You deserve it.
Take care and until next time,
🌹Tuesday Tapestry Reflection:
As a kid, what were some of your favorite forms of play? What can you do to tap into that childlike, playful state more often?
👋🏽 Welcome!
… to newest subscribers Matt, Manuel, Swetha, Christina, and Gina-Marie. Happy to have you all along for the journey!
🎨 Content Corner
YouTube video: “Elephants Are Smarter Than You Think!” (from Mission Unstoppable, Miranda Cosgrove’s new STEM-focused channel that I’m very much living for)
Song: “Fais rien” by Petit Biscuit and Moi Je
Instagram Reel: English is a complicated language, but we already knew that
Book: Real Self-Care by Pooja Lakshmin, MD (an empowering read that debunks the promises offered by mainstream wellness culture and instead provides sustainable solutions to caring for ourselves in an increasingly demanding world)
Newsletter: The Menu by Amanda Natividad (a lovely mix of marketing insights, entertaining links, and recipes/kitchen tips)
Article: “Stop trying to have the perfect vacation. You’re ruining everyone else’s.” (Vox)
💁🏽♀️ Confession: I’m a Barbie Girl
Since the world is all about Barbie right now and given the subject matter of this newsletter, I’ve gotta come out and say it…
Yup, I’ve been a Barbie girl since Day 1.
I played with (and beheaded) my fair share of dolls as a kid. I even had a Dreamhouse Playset with a little elevator in it. On birthdays and Christmases, my parents would give me these special edition collectors’ versions Barbies. I was not allowed to open them, and so they’ve remained in their boxes (for the better!) for about 20 years now.
I saw the movie on Sunday, and OH MY GOODNESS was it good. There’s SO much I could say, but to sum it up: I loved the exploration of double standards, the underlying message that it’s okay to have feelings (including unpleasant ones), and the stylish fashion choices!
Have you seen the movie? What were your thoughts?!